The Bartlett Faculty Climate Curriculum Working Group

Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency

The Bartlett Faculty Climate Curriculum Working Group recommend Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency, authored by Barnabas Calder published in 2022.

Cover of Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency

An exploration of human history through the lens of architecture

Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency, authored by Barnabas Calder, offers an exploration of human history through the lens of architecture. Calder, a historian and Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool, examines how architecture reflects our societal values, energy sources, and environmental impact.

Spanning over fifteen millennia, Calder’s narrative encompasses iconic structures worldwide, from ancient Uruk to modern megacities in China. He elucidates how each architectural marvel, whether the Parthenon or a Victorian house, is intricately linked to the energy available during its construction.

Clader addresses the pressing need for sustainable architecture in combating climate change. With buildings contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, he advocates for intelligent design and retrofitting as essential strategies for a greener future.



This reference was recommended by the Bartlett Climate Curriculum Working Group.
The working group serves as a collaborative platform for staff, students, and professional services staff from the 13 institutes and departments within the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. Participation in the group is voluntary, with a focus on gathering recommendations for resources that explore the intersectional and multidisciplinary aspects of the climate emergency and social justice.

Despite the global nature of the climate crisis, its social repercussions disproportionately affect marginalized communities, highlighting the urgent need for action. The list of recommended references is continuously expanding through collective efforts. Bartlett Alternative acknowledges and appreciates the Working Group’s ongoing dedication in promoting the sharing of diverse works and resources, by amplifying underrepresented voices, narratives, and agendas.

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