Dr Ben Campkin & Lo Marshall
LGBTQ+ nightlife in London
Initiated in 2016 by Dr Ben Campkin and Lo Marshall, in collaboration with community groups the Raze Collective and the Queer Spaces Network, this research project focuses on nightlife spaces important to London's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) communities since 1986.

Collage by Lo Marshall and Dr Ben Campkin from Urban Pamphleer #7
The research highlights the diversity of the capital's LGBTQI nightlife
The project used surveys and archival study to map the breadth and diversity of the LGBTQI scene, gathering additional data from community members, venue managers, event promoters and performers through surveys, workshops and interviews. The research highlights the diversity of the capital’s LGBTQI nightlife, as an important contributor to neighbourhoods and the wider night-time and cultural economy, as well as inequalities within LGBTQ+ nightlife spaces and scenes. This work has involved various phases, partnerships and collaborations, most recent as part of NITE.
Output include reports, articles, book chapters, gallery exhibitions, drag performances, public event and talks, media interviews, and an edition of the Urban Pamphleteer.

Illustration by Soofiya Andry, created for the project.
Name Dr Ben Campkin and Lo Marshall
Role Staff
Department The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL Urban Laboratory
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